Getting to Know the Thetahealing ® Technique
to you Which is the most suitable option?
If you want, you can participate in the seminar and use this technique on yourself.
You can also easily apply it on your loved ones.
So you can manage your own life by noticing your feelings and beliefs.
also You can have the internationally recognized ThetaHealing Institute of knowledge® certificate.
Or we can work on the subject you want by taking an individual session.
You may even want to do both together.
It's your journey my mission to guide you
to make it easy for you.
Which option suits you best?
give yourself this gift Let's get started if you choose to buy.

3 FULL DAY OR 4 DAYS 5 HOURS (preferably evening or daytime)
You can set a suitable date for you without ever leaving the house, and you can choose to have this experience with your loved ones at home.

1-1.5 HOURS online or face to face
Whether it's a problem, discomfort, uneasiness that bothers you or blockages in your progress, a topic that you determine or that comes in the flow is worked on.
In order for you to see the problem or blockage and to end this experience, the healing process takes place in line with your request with your permission.

1-1.5 HOURS online or face to face
Whether it's a problem, discomfort, uneasiness that bothers you or blockages in your progress, a topic that you determine or that comes in the flow is worked on.
In order for you to see the problem or blockage and to end this experience, the healing process takes place in line with your request with your permission.