Spiritual movie suggestions
There are some movies that contain messages that will contribute to your awakening. Here, I have listed the movies that can help you progress by looking at different points of view in your journey. Most of them were written and shot with divine decree.

The spiritual journey of an arrogant athlete preparing for the Olympics. real It is based on the life story of our hero, Dan Millman. expansions on this journey. He shares in many of his books. Especially if you are wondering about your life purpose, I recommend you to read the book "The purpose of your life".

I think this movie has been discussed a lot because the themes in this movie based on the book are all common to the human experience. Freedom, death, suffering, loss, forgiveness, family, relationships, sin, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit. Considering these themes, I found myself doing mental gymnastics and thinking about and reflecting on my own personal beliefs. If you are very emotional or have a small child, you might want to skip the beginning of the movie a little bit, it was a bit sad, but after that, the universe, the Creator, which makes really beautiful openings, is better. It's a movie that helps you understand and realize its justice. Especially if you don't find this world fair, if you're angry with the Creator, I definitely recommend you to watch it.

In this movie based on the Marvel comics, Doctor Stephen Strange is a very successful neurosurgeon, but after a terrible car accident he can't use his hands properly. Desperate, Strange learns that a paraplegic patient named Jonathan Pangborn has miraculously recovered, and Pangborn guides Strange to Kamar-Taj in the Himalayas. An unexpected adventure awaits Strange, who meets the Ancient One and his students here. What I remember from this movie are:
More Than You Think
You can do:
Listen before you answer to understand.
Sometimes You Can't Be Successful At First.

About life after death, during one's surprising and enlightening experiences in the spiritual dimension. about the transformation process. After Andr Luiz's death, it was adapted to the cinema from 16 books written by the Brazilian psychic Chico Xavier by channeling his soul. Although the beginning of the movie is a bit boring, we don't know how much of it is real, but I felt something I knew while watching it. With a message that describes the power of unconditional love very well. the movie ends.

The health problem I experienced taught me a lot, and at an important decision-making stage. this documentary encouraged me to continue with the alternative treatment that I started. While describing the relationship between body and mind, it focuses on the importance of mental purification in treatment. Whichever treatment method you choose my suggestion is to get support with mental purification on the one hand.

It's hard for me to fit my thoughts on this movie here. You'll understand why when you watch it. Before watching the movie, I recommend you to watch the Dune analysis video about Barış Özcan's movie Dune. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5jG8zKHVQ8

-Whale Rider
Based on the novel by Witi Ihimaera, Whale Rider is a refreshing and entertaining film that tells the story of a small Maori tribe living in Whangara on New Zealand's east coast who seem to have lost all faith and interest in their culture's customs and beliefs. Whales were something I was very curious about since I learned that whales (and dolphins) are very special creatures, as stated in many spiritual sources, and that they are at a high level of evolution, so this movie got me very excited. The legend of the 'whale rider' Whangara dates back to the years when the legendary Maori hero Paikea appeared on the back of a whale and founded the Maori tribe. Now, more than a thousand years later, the current generation of the Maori tribe is struggling with the pressures of the modern world and desperately needs a strong leader to inspire and guide them. They lack enthusiasm, and to prevent this culture from disappearing altogether, a new leader needs to be recognized who will bring the people back to understanding the importance of their culture's existence. The elder chief of the tribe, Koro, understands the need for a new leader - someone who will reawaken the tribe and restore its lost strength and identity. The leader appears in the character of young Pai, played by Keisha Castle-Hughes, Koro's beloved granddaughter. However, Pai is not recognized as the new leader as she is a girl and the Maori tribe is still ruled by a patriarchal concept of society.
. Many serious topics are included in the story of the movie, and this added sense of depth creates more interest for the audience. It includes themes such as the changing role of women, the conflict that exists between generations, our relationship with the natural world, and the importance of an authentic culture. Although these themes focus on Maori culture, the themes in Whale Rider are universal and highlight important communication principles. We see the power of significant others to influence our self-esteem and that it is possible to defend ourselves and create an identity of our own despite the strong odds.
To be able to watch everything that is going on in witnessing beyond judgment; this is our whole aim, in fact, knowing that everything is perfect in evolution, to be in peace and at your own center with surrender. Again, it is a wonderful documentary shot by the World Awakening organization to serve the unity consciousness.
Turkish option from this link you can watch
What would happen if you could use your whole brain? In this movie, we watch what a man who can use his whole brain with a drug has achieved or how he lost everything. The structure of the brain is still not fully understood, this complex structure whose content consists of fat, water, protein, sugar and salt still remains a mystery in science. .This movie that says there is no impossible is also enjoyable.

A film about science, religion, spirit and our eyes that are with us in all lives .A film about how a soul experiences the Earth by existing in different incarnations, collecting experiences .

Inception filminde Dom Cobb başrol karakteri çok yetenekli bir hırsızdır. Bu karakter zihnin Rüya görme anlarında en savunmasız olduğu için, bilinçaltının derinliklerindeki sırları ortaya çıkarmak ve o sırları çalmak karakterin uzmanlık alanıdır. Dom Cobb’un bu mahareti sayesinde kurumsal casusluğun yeni dünyasında aranan bir oyuncu olmasını sağlamıştır. Ama bu durum o kişiyi uluslararası bir kaçak yapmıştır ve sevdiği şeylere mal olmuştur. Cobb’a bulunduğu durumdan kurtulmasını sağlayan fırsat sunulmaktadır. Fakat iyi bir soygun yerine, Cobb ve takımındaki kişiler bu sefer tam tersini şekilde davranmak zorundadır. Bu kez görevleri fikir çalmak değil fikir yerleştirmektir. Eğer başarırlar ise, mükemmel suç olacaktır.

Consisting of short films, this film touches upon all the issues that we have difficulty in believing scientifically. A film proving that we are all connected to a single creative power as a unity in a holographic structure cc781905_with the awareness of oneness. 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_"World's AwakeningThe fact that it was shot by the organization named " allows everyone to watch it without any profit motive. You can watch it from this link with Turkish subtitles seyredınız


Thinking that if I put this fun animated movie in the suggestions section for children only, I put it here, thinking that it might be overlooked. The story of an undecided soul returning home is a fun story of a soul torn between two souls who have unfinished business in the world. A subject we covered in Basic DNA training unstable soul, Well, this movie is great.

The story of NEALE DONALD WALSCH, who is the author of the book "Conversation with God", starting the spiritual journey. The author, who has suddenly lost everything and has to live as a homeless, turns into an inspiring guide by meeting his essence from this situation.
If you want more scientific information about quantum, these cartoons are great, especially with the famous double slit experiment, bringing a new perspective to matter and in the section Dr. quantum visits the flat earth, you can watch how the world we live in looks from a different dimension (from the Flatland book) You should definitely watch the episodes.